Tuesday 25 September 2012

Making of prank CD cover

For my powerpoint presentation on my idea, I showed a prank CD cover which i had made myself. I'm a photography student and I therefore have a Dslr and an extra flash which creates the blowout effect. I had cherries one day and decided to play with the fact that our bands name is "Cherry Dust". I took the picture of myself that you can see below, I brought out the reds in the Cherry and made my lips a bit paler by using my editing program Aperture. This was to show how the album cover could look and how the "Cherry" could become a trademark of the band and could also help sell merchandise.

Following I cropped it down and fit it into a picture of an empty CD case.
I then added the parental advisory sign in the corner and the name "Cherry Dust" written down the side and vĂ³ila!

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