Tuesday 25 September 2012

Other Glitter Fans

We started researching past moments of “Glitter” and we found glam rock, which is a direction we were looking at but we want to do a more stylized way of showing that, so it’s more fashionable and appealing to young people. As we are dressing people in a “Rocker way” but having the contrast of “nice” glitter. Today as we researched we were introduced to Marc Bolan who actually did start coming on stage with glitter on his face, which became a trademark. Like this:

Rather than below

Marc Bolan with his glitter cheeks

We also fell upon this Kylie Minoque video as someone thought they remembered being in it, even though there wasn’t we fell in love with the mike she was using. That’s then what led us to thinking that our singer, in our video should have a similar mike, because it goes with the twisted look between glam and rock which we are going for. Here are some pictures:

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