Wednesday 31 October 2012

The day before shoot day!

Today in the day before our shoot we decided to go to Cranleigh in a town near our school to buy the last couple of props that we needed. We got our 4 funnels and a blowdryer that has a "cool" setting so that the glitter will not melt as we pour it inside of it for the scene. As we returned to school, we found the rest of our props we also made the decision that for our small sequences in the bathroom we are going to have white tiles and we are also having a white floor so it has a very clean contrasting image to the glitter which is consuming everyone at will also magnify the color of the gold and purple shine of the glitter.

We painted our bathtub we are using white, because it had a brownish color. We then also thought we had a problem when we saw the amount of glitter that we had for our video. We then spoke to Laura who has been helping us out with our props. She explained to us how we are going to re-use the glitter continuously throughout the shoot. This made me realize that we can then only have one establishing shot of our band in the performance element otherwise the continuity will not fit. My three gold morphsuits arrives (we had fun trying them on), but they were not the color of gold that I expected but we can always colors them in post production. Here are a couple of pictures from the day:

Here we are cutting the big glitter curtains that are going to fall in our performance element.

Me trying on the morphsuit for size.

And then we all tried.. just to make sure..

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