Thursday 15 November 2012

Editing Further

I continued to edit a rough cut further through out the song, with the same method that I started with. I wanted to edit the entire song only with the performance element and the cut in the glitter sequences afterwards. I did this because I knew that since our band has a rock and roll image, the performance element is the most important to the audience as this is what will sell tickets to live concerts. Therefore I edited through the material we had of the band. I did discover that our lead singer some of the time did not lip-synch with the song, which caused some problems with having several takes of her in the climax of the song but I decided to put it in anyway because I am going to re-edit it with the glitter so I can just remove it by that time and fill it in with another shot from either the champagne, hairdryer, bath, floor or wall sequence. 

Here are some pictures how you can see my editing process evolving.

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