Saturday 24 November 2012

Photos From Shoot Day

Here are some photographs that I took on the Music Video Shoot day.. I have edited them differently some of them are in Black and White and others e.g. with the glitter are in colour. I have used an editing program for Mac Computers which is called "Aperture" this is very similar to Adobe Lightroom and allow me to edit photographs and play with color, contrast, retouch, curves, definition etc etc. Here is a screen shot of the program so you get an idea of what it look like, as you can see the picture is on the right and on the left is the panel where I can use sliders and buttons to change the photograph as I please.. Some of these might be used in our Digipack Artwork and Website, and can be used as either behind the scenes photographs for the website or as might be used as a photograph in the digipack background.

And here are the photos edited from the shoot day.. If you want to enlarge the image just click on it

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